Call for Speakers

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Call for Speakers

Let your voice be heard at our conferences and beyond. If you have a success story, cautionary tale, innovation or POV to share, submit to be a speaker at one or more ISACA conferences around the world.


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Kindly upload your abstract allowed format (.docx , pdf)


Call for Speakers Process

ISACA issues a specific Call for Speakers for each educational event it produces at the ISACA Global level, as well as a general call not related to a specific event. Speakers may submit up to three (3) abstracts per conference.

Each Call for Speakers clearly identifies:

  • Target audiences
  • Learning objectives
  • Education delivery methods
  • Event structure
  • Possible topics

ISACA’s subject matter experts identify elements within the Call for Speakers (listed above), then review the proposals, vet the speakers, and make final topic and speaker selections. Our conference team along with the subject matter experts work with the selected speaker throughout the session development process to ensure compliance with the stated objectives and to avoid overt commercialism.


How Speakers Are Chosen

Proposals are reviewed by ISACA’s subject matter experts. During the process, we vet the potential speaker, not the speaker’s company or organization. ISACA expects the speaker to honor his or her commitment to present the proposed session at the subject event.

The proposals are evaluated in whole or in part on the following criteria:

  • Subject matter is cutting-edge or presents new ideas, presented in a creative and engaging way
  • Topic is timely for the industry today and will attract attendees
  • Abstract and title of the session demonstrate the intent concisely
  • Learning objectives and learning level are well-defined and support each other
  • Attendees will able to relate to the content and apply what they’ve learned in their roles
  • Technical accuracy
  • Context of the issues including real-world case studies, examples, and stories
  • Potential for audience interactive participation
  • Speaker presentation skills and experience
  • Speaker is knowledgeable, engaging and experienced on the topic submitted
  • Speaker industry leadership
  • Education focus devoid of overt and covert commercialism
  • Overall quality of the written proposal
  • The content provides a thought-leadership perspective for the conference attendees


Benefits of Speaking

An international professional organization with more than 159,000 constituents in more than 180 countries, ISACA is a leading provider of knowledge, certifications, community, advocacy and education on information systems assurance and security, enterprise governance of IT, and IT-related risk and compliance. ISACA education is recognized throughout the industry. Speakers associated with ISACA education events are similarly recognized as industry leaders and subject matter experts.

  • All selected speakers receive a complimentary registration to the event (not including optional workshops).
  • Speakers gain increased visibility throughout the ISACA international community.
  • Speakers and their companies and organizations are included in promotional information sent to regional and international constituents via hard copy brochures and other marketing material, the ISACA web site, press releases and other publicity outlets.
  • Speakers have the opportunity to network with peers and other professionals at specifically designed points throughout the event.
  • Speakers can prove their value, expertise, knowledge and acumen by presenting relevant and timely subjects in an effective manner, often leading to business development.


Speaker Expense Reimbursement

ISACA is a not-for-profit organization serving the IT assurance, information security management and IT governance communities. Most speakers and their companies recognize the importance of being part of ISACA’s educational events and embrace a philanthropic spirit by funding travel and lodgings. ISACA education events provide speakers the opportunity to demonstrate their expertise, knowledge and experience, as well as to network with constituents for business development purposes. In appreciation for all the hard work and effort, ISACA offers speakers one (1) complimentary registration for the conference per session. Complimentary registration is not transferable or able to be used as a credit. (Registration for the pre- and post-workshops are not included) If multiple speakers are presenting, ISACA offers one (1) additional complimentary conference registration if presentation materials are submitted by deadlines outlined in the speaker agreement. In addition, ISACA recognizes speakers and their companies as “conference supporters” in conference literature distributed to delegates.